Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summary based on "The incredible shrinking operating system"



The article basically discusses/mentions the shrinking of Operating systems and what effects/benefits it has. The author also gives a brief breakdown of the past methods while building these Operating Systems.

Why it maybe of interest:

I think that it’s an interesting article mostly because it would affect initially how people use computers in general. It also grasped my attention as well since some of the things mentioned were discussed briefly in class e.g. netbooks and the loading time of OS just to name a few.
Some aspects mentioned are well explained so that even someone not in the field may have a better understanding of what the general idea is. More importantly as students into this concentration it’s good to keep up with technology and knowing ‘what is hot and what’s not’ if to so put it.
While not really related, this information maybe useful as well as a customer, since new technology means older technology would become cheaper.

Information Design Definitions - 1 & 2

AJAX- (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), is used for development of web based applications by using various web development techniques; incliding XHTML, CSS, XML and XSLT just to name a few.

Google Maps – is an application (web/API) developed by google which can be used for navigation/general map exploration purposes.

Web application – is usually a software or application developed to be used in a browser.

Javascript – is a scripting language used for client-side web based development and allows the creation of dynamic content.

Database management – it basically defines itself, it’s used to control/manage a database. It’s also used to store and retrieve information both on the back and front-end.

BitTorrent – is a peer-to peer open source application used for file sharing e.g. software and general media files.

API – (Application Programming Interface), it can be defined as part of the foundation/support used for building applications (mostly used for web based apps). It’s function is determined by the routines used to carry out its process.

RSS – (Really Simple Syndication), can be defined as a feed used for updated information e.g. for a newspaper the headlines of each updated article would be published in the feed, making it somewhat a table of content.

Blog – based from a web log, is a web site used by most for news or as an online diary/journal and contain various types of media. Most blogs have a CMS so it’s easily manageable for most.

Ruby (Ruby Rails) - is a programming language used for dynamic content, it’s inspired/based by Perl and Smalltalk Eiffe, Ada and Lisp.

Method of collecting information:

With “Google Maps”, I used 4 sources for information. Wikipedia, Google Maps itself in the about section and two web developer websites. I also used my personal knowledge being a regular user of the application.
I took all the sources of information and cross referenced things that were similar to each other before coming up with a final definition for the web based application. This is how I would usually collect information in general, though Wikipedia is a useful source on a rare occasion the information may or may not be accurate.